Simple, Sweet Modest . . .
Mary recognizes her doves . . .
How I feel comforted in my miseries and consoled in my tribulations! What comfort I experience in temptations when I remember and call you for help, O my most beloved and most holy Mother Mary. Yes, indeed, you have good reason, O saints, for calling my Lady, "the port of those in tribulation," as did St Ephrem. St. Bonaventure says you are "the repairer of our calamities" and "the solace of the desolate" while St. Germanus names you as "the repose of our sighs." Console me, My Mary. I see myself full of sins and surrounded by enemies, without virtue and cold in love toward God. Console me. Comfort me. And may the consolation move me to begin a new life, a life that will truly be pleasing to your Son and to you.
Evening Sigh: Change me, Mary my Mother. Change me. You can do it.
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Littlemore Library, Scottsdale, Arizona