Thursday, September 26, 2013


O, Mary, obtain for us perseverance. (French)
Mother, suffer me to come to thee.  (English)
Mary's children are called to be worthy. (German)

In you, our most holy Mother, we find a remedy for all our ills.  In you we find comfort for our weaknesses, for St. Germanus calls you, "the strength of our weakness."  In you we find the door for leaving the slavery of sin, for St. Bonaventure calls you, "the gate of liberty."  In you we find our secure peace, for the same saint calls you, "the safe repose of men."  In you we find relief in our sorry life,  "the solace of our pilgrimage," as St. Lawrence Justinian calls you.  In you we find divine grace and God himself, for St. Bonaventure calls you, "the throne of divine grace," and Proclus, "the bridge by which God descends to men," a happy  bridge over which God, distant from us on account of our faults, passes to dwell within us through his grace.

Evening Sigh:  O Mary, you are my strength, my liberation, my peace and salvation.   

Please click the play button below to listen to Mary's Patronage Prayer now.

Littlemore Library, Scottsdale, Arizona